How to Connect with Crystals for Healing


How to Connect Your Energy with the Energy of a Crystal:

TRUST that this process is possible: TRUST that YOU can do this because everyone CAN do this. We are all created the same and just need to flex our intuitive muscle more and recognize that what we are experiencing is REAL and ACCURATE.

Center Yourself: Stand or sit and center yourself with your breath, choose a crystal that you are drawn to or are curious about. Hold it to your solar plexus (3rd chakra) as this is the chakra that interprets/reads the energy and knows how to process it in your body.

Merge Your Energy with the Crystal’s Energy: As you hold the crystal to the solar plexus, imagine that you can merge your energy field with the energy field of the crystal. Remember that you are connecting with a conscious, living being who is just as aware as you are. Imagine you are giving someone a meaningful, heart-centered hug. We all know the kind of hugs that are distant and impersonal. Take the time to really connect your heart with the heart of the crystal and breathe deeply into this connection when doing it for the first time…

Ask the Crystal to Show You Its Healing Gift: Allow the crystal to demonstrate the way it heals you physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually. Pay close attention, FEEL don’t THINK your way through this experience.

Take a moment to Connect Your Energy to A Crystal Now: If you already have a favorite crystal or just purchased one, take a moment to connect with your crystal now to experience the gifts it has to offer.

Preparing to Do a Crystal Healing Session on Yourself or Others:

  • Heart Centering Process-Always begin with taking 3 Deep Breaths-Last Breath Focuses on Unconditional Self-Love
  • Clear Your Energy Field First: Regardless of how good you feel prior to working on yourself or others, ALWAYS clear your energy field first. I like to wash my hands, set the intention that “I am releasing all energy that no longer serves my highest good so that I may best serve myself and others.” Use Black Tourmaline or Shungite by holding it with one or both hands and allow it to clear your field completely. You will feel grounded and anchored into the earth, pressure in the chakras which were blocked will feel more open and expanded,and you will be more at peace.
  • How Do you Know When You Are Completely Cleared? When in doubt, use your Pendulum or your Body as a Pendulum and Ask the question: “Am I completely cleared?” (See Previous Blog on How To Use A Pendulum.)
  • Take a moment to Clear Your Own Energy Now: Do this by yourself or with a partner and briefly share your experience with each other.

A SAMPLE Crystal Healing Treatment:

How to Release Stress & Energize the Whole Body With Quartz: Two Part Process: Release Stress/Engergize the Whole Body with Quartz: You can easily do this healing process on yourself by simply lying on the floor and placing the quartz around your body. Or work with a partner and decide who will be the Giver and who will be the Receiver. Have the Receiver lie down on their back and both Giver and Receiver take a deep breath into be present with each other. Use 7 Quartz crystals (points are preferred to direct energy):

1.Part One: RELEASE STRESS – Place first quartz point (Q1) above the Receiver’s head facing OUTWARDS, place Q2/Q3 over each arm, Q4/Q5 over each leg, and Q6/Q7 over each foot. Set the intention with your client to allow the crystals to gently RELEASE STRESS from all parts of the body. Allow 3-4 minutes or until complete and switch.

2.Part Two:ENERGIZE – Place first quartz point (Q1) above the Receiver’s head facing INWARDS, place Q2/Q3 over each arm, Q4/Q5 over each leg, and Q6/Q7 over each foot. Set the intention with your client to allow the crystals to gently ENERGIZE all parts of the body. Allow 3-4 minutes or until complete and switch.