3 Ways to Select Crystals With A Pendulum:
- Using A Pendulum (see how easy it is)
- Scanning Your Chakras With A Pendulum
- How To Use Your Own Body As A Pendulum
Knowing which crystals to choose for what you need right now can be tricky if you have never done it before and don’t know where to start! One of the first things I love to teach newbies to the crystal world is how to use a pendulum. A pendulum is usually a crystal or an object that hangs on a chain that can spin in various directions (or even stay still or vibrate) to give you energetic answers to your questions. We can ask all sorts of life questions with a pendulum, however, we will learn how to use it to determine which crystal is best for us now. We can go into much more detail on pendulums later. First off, does everyone know how to use a Pendulum? (If not, see below)
1-How to Use a Pendulum-
When choosing something to use as a Pendulum, you may use any type of chain with a pendant (must have some weight to it) EXCEPT if it contains Copper which can affect the electromagnetic field.
a. Practice with Your Pendulum-Hold your pendulum in front of you until it is completely still.
b. Ask Your Pendulum what a YES looks like (meaning which way will it spin or move for you—unique to each person). For example, mine spins clockwise.
c. Ask Your Pendulum what a NO looks like (meaning which way will it spin or move for you—unique to each person). For example, mine spins counter-clockwise.
d. Ask Your Pendulum what a NEUTRAL looks like (meaning which way will it spin or move for you—unique to each person). For example, mine remains still.
IN GENERAL…Crystal Colors Correspond to the 7 Chakras or Energy Centers :
A “Chakra” is Sanskrit for “Wheel” or spinning circles of light known as Energy Centers that are located along the Spine from the top of head to your tailbone. Also think of the 7 colors of the rainbow to remember the correlation of how the chakras relate to locations of the body, what each chakra represents for healing, and most importantly that the color of the crystal usually (not always) correlates to the color of the chakras. We will go into much more detail on Crystal Chakra Healing with but just showing you the basics to get you started!
A. Description of the Seven Chakras-Brief description of each chakra beginning with the Root Chakra (see Chakra Chart and Diagram of the Body with Chakra Locations)-See ALL rows to know what it looks like to be balanced, excessive, depleted, etc.
a. RED-Root Chakra-Ruby-Grounding
b. ORANGE-SacralChakra-Carnelian–Balances Emotions
c. YELLOW-Solar PlexusChakra-Honey Calcite-Balances the Ego/Self-Empowerment
d. GREEN-Heart Chakra-Emerald-Give/Receive Love
e. BLUE-Throat Chakra-Azurite-Speak Your Truth
f. PURPLE-Third Eye Chakra-Amethyst-Intuition/Creativity/Mental Clarity
g. VIOLET-Crown Chakra-Charoite-Connecting to the Divine/Your Highest Self/Service
2-How to Scan Your Chakras with A Pendulum to Select Crystals:
A. Check Your Chakras with a Pendulum-Starting at the Crown Chakra (since this is where energy enters the body), hold the pendulum about 4-5 inches above each chakra and note in your mind which direction the pendulum is moving, not moving, vibrating, or moving vertical, etc. Continue by using the pendulum to test all remaining chakras from the Crown to the Root. (To do this on yourself, you can hold one finger over each chakra and test one at a time with your other hand out to the side. Or draw a Gingerbread Man with Chakras, label with your name, and test over each chakra.)
B. Other Variations-My pendulum vibrates but stays in the same place when a chakra is blocked but wanting to be cleared (i.e., building up pressure and about to blow). Also, my pendulum may swing in a vertical motion indicating there is major transformation happening for the person I am working on (i.e.,dividing the right side from the left side of the body—discovering what works and doesn’t work in one’s life and knowing what to let go of).
3-How to Use Your Body As A Pendulum to Select Crystals:
This is a great tool for when you do not have a pendulum or want to be discreet in a crowd, grocery store, etc. You can also use this method to ask your angels and guides yes/no questions about anything in your life at anytime.
a. Stand (or Sit) with your Feet Hip’s Width Apart-Relax your knees &take a deep, heart centering breath. I like to also hold both of my hands over my Solar Plexus as this is a part of our body where we take energy in & feel how it affects us…our Center of Truth.
b. Ask Yourself: What is a YES Response for You-You may feel your body move forward, or feel a tingling in your left ear, see something in your mind, or just know what your YES looks and feels like. Surrender and Trust what you get as your answer…You can do this!
c. Ask Yourself: What is a NO Response for You-You may feel your body move forward, or feel a tingling in your left ear, see something in your mind, or just know what your YES looks and feels like. Again,Surrender and Trust what you get as your answer…You can do this!
d. If you do not feel anything, clear your field with Black Tourmaline and then try again. This may also be your NEUTRAL response after asking a yes/no question.
e. Crystal Test: Select a crystal that you are naturally drawn to and hold it with both hands over your Solar Plexus. Ask yourself: “Does this serve my Highest Good at this time-Yes or No? Note: you may be drawn to Amethyst, however, each piece of Amethyst can feel different, test another piece to compare the difference until you find the right one, or it finds you!