Karin Contier

Karin Contier, LMT

Licensed Massage Therapist & Spiritual Intuitive
Co-Owner of Angelic Healing Crystals

Karin received her Massage Therapy training and licensing from The Lauterstein-Conway Massage School in Austin, TX. She has over 25 years of experience in a wide range of therapies ranging from: Therapeutic Deep Tissue Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Swedish Relaxation, Stone Massage, Thai Massage, Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage, Panchakarma (Ayurvedic Detox) Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Aromatherapy, Energy Balancing (Healing Touch, Craniosacral Therapy, Tuning Forks, and Chakra Balancing), and Ion Cleanse Detoxification Foot Baths. Karin integrates her clinical and spa experience to bring you the best of both worlds, offering you a deeply therapeutic and restorative experience.

Karin is also a Spiritual Intuitive and has been an Empath (intuits by feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually) since she was 4 years old. By tuning in with her clients, she connects with their loved ones (people & pets), offers spiritual guidance, medical intuition, crystal readings (see which crystals would benefit you), and energy healing (in person & long distance). This can be done in person & by phone. Much healing and peace of mind occurs with confirmation of one’s life circumstances and knowing how to joyfully and successfully move forward.

Karin has a successful healing practice in Parker, CO. She is also co-owner with her husband of Angelic Healing Crystals (www.angelichealingcrystals.com). She enjoys crystal healing, yoga, meditation, reading, and spending quality time with her beautiful family in Parker, CO.

List of healing services


Karin is a Spiritual Intuitive and an Empath (intuits by feeling physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually) since she was 4 years old. By tuning in with you, she is able to connect with your angels, guides, and/or deceased loved ones may come through to share messages with you that serve your highest good and guide you on your journey here.


Re-connect with loved ones and pets on the other side to help bring you joy, peace, closure, and a deeper understanding of why they chose to cross over when they did as part of their soul purpose. You will be able to ask them questions about how they passed & what they are learning now in the afterlife.


Re-align and balance yourself using the 7 Chakras and the surrounding Auric Field. Karin will gently guide you to bring your body back into alignment. This process allows the energy centers in your body to operate at their fullest potential.


Discover where and how your physical body may be out of balance, lacking nutritionally, or its current state of disease or healing. Learn how to best bring your body back to optimal health.


Consult your Soul Council to work through the original cause of deep-rooted past life or early childhood issues and create a cellular level release. This special technique focuses on the origins of troublesome blocks by accessing your Akashic Records (soul contracts). Find out what the purpose of your life is.


This is when Karin energetically connects to you and sees where you may be out of balance physically, mentally, emotionally, and/or spiritually. Discover which crystal would best serve your highest good and healing at this time to return to a state of balance and harmony.


ONE HOUR: $150

Private sessions are available in person or by phone

Spiritual Guidance is a beautiful gift to yourself in times of life when you may need help navigating what to do next on your journey. Much healing and peace of mind occurs with confirmation of your life circumstances and knowing how to joyfully and successfully move forward on your path. It is my honor to serve you. Namaste…

Karin Contier
[email protected]